Does SpreadsheetConverter support cell formatting such as background color and border styles?


Does SpreadsheetConverter support conditional formatting?

Yes except few. Learn more

Input cells alignment is not perfect. The second input cell still dropped slightly below the others.

Set vertical align = center.

The column is narrower/wider than it is in Excel.

The browser always has the final word regarding column width. You can try if layout=fixed helps If you are running version 3. The same goes for heights. Normally these problems occurs if some column contain too wide data. Merge cells to make them fit.

In Excel one of my spreadsheets fits onto A4 height, but when I convert with either HTML or ASP, the converted sheet is longer than A4. This is a problem because I want users to be able to print out one of the sheets.

Unless you set layout=fixed, the rows will be higher on the web page than in Excel.

However layout=fixed will make the web pages look cramped, it is better to let the web pages become higher.

How do I specify C3 to have a $ currency symbol in it’s total?

SpreadsheetConverter supports currency symbols in calculated or static output fields, but not in input fields. We show a currency symbol if you have chosen a currency format for the cell in Excel.

If you need to use a currency symbol for an input field, you must place it beside the input field, e.g. in the cell to the left of the input cell for a dollar sign or to the right for a euro sign.

I have set the formatting so that all zero values are invisible. When I convert the spreadsheet to web page, all of the zeros show up. Is there any way to hide the display of zeros on the web page?

You have to use a formula to solve that problem. For example, if you have =A1 in A2, replace it by =if(A1=0,””,A1)

I would like to use an excel sheet for making bookings. How do I let the excel sheet know I want to input text into the sheet.

The logic is that if you use the value for a mathematical operation, it will be a number. If you do not refer to it or refer to is as a text (e.g. =if(a1=””,”Enter a value”,””), it will a text-field.

If you use ‘Automatic detection’, only cells referred to will be input fields.

If Automatic detection doesn’t work, you have to use coloring. Set the background colors of all cells you want the user to edit to an arbitrary unique color. Then, select coloring and select the color. (If you do not want your input cells to have this color in the finished spreadsheet, there is an option for that.)

How do I protect certain cells so that entries cannot be made to them?

The user can only edit input cells. All other cells and formulas are automatically protected on the web page.

Is there a way to just display certain cells and hide those you do not want to see?

There are two solutions:

1. Move the cells to another worksheet.

2. Hide the row or column containing the cells you want to hide.

My image or clipart has a grey background.

When you insert a clipart, you might get a grey background.

Solution: 1. Right-click on the image and select Format picture 2. Select Colors and Lines tab 3. Change Fill-color to Automatic (or you background color) from ‘No fill’

Does the SpreadsheetConverter support hidden rows? There are many rows used for internal calculation steps, containing data that should not be seen by the user.

The rows will be hidden on the web page. If the contents is referenced by formulas, they will be part of the resulting web page (not visible for the user).

Columns and sheets can be hidden too.

How can I change the border color around input cells when the thin borders option is selected?

This is not as easy as it should be 🙂

There are two ways:

1. Instead of thin border, no border and set the borders of the cells in Excel. There you can select the color.

2. Generate the web page and open the source. Replace #000000 in

style=’border:1px solid #000000; width:100% ‘

by the color, for example #ff0000

style=’border:1px solid #ff0000; width:100% ‘

to get red borders.

How can negative numbers be presented with parenthesis, i.e. -250.00 should be represented as (250.00)?

This is not supported by SpreadsheetConverter v 3.x. We didn’t think it was needed, since no one on the web understands it 🙂


You need to solve it using IF + TEXT.

=if(A1<0, “(” & -A1 & “)”, A1)

If you need to format the number, replace

-A1 above with something like


Thus, something like this

=IF(A1<0, “(” & TEXT(-A1,”#,##0.00″) & “)”, TEXT(A1,”#,##0.00″))

I use the ASP.NET version. There is only a problem with empty cells. They show up with a 0-value and aren’t empty. Why?

The 0 is actually a feature, SSC has deduced that the cell can only numbers, and will place a 0 in the cell when the user leaves the cell.

Solution: If A1 is one of your input cells, add the formula somewhere in the spreadsheet: =A1=”” (or any other formula that make SSC think A1 contains a text).