With SpreadsheetConverter, you can publish nearly all Excel spreadsheets on the web, retaining the live user experience and the immediate recalculation when cell contents are changed. Browse through our examples and see for yourself how versatile SpreadsheetConverter is.
SpreadsheetConverter is an add-in for Microsoft Excel in Windows and appears as an extra menu in Excel. It converts spreadsheets to modern web pages that can do anything you’d expect from a professional web designer.
Welcome to spend some time in our library of examples of what SpreadsheetConverter can do for you. For each example below, there are links to all the desktop flavors of each example.
To see these examples in your smartphone, scan the QR code below with your phone to open the iPhone/Android example page in your smartphone.
If you need help with the QR code, read our tutorial about scanning QR codes.
Please do not test smartphone calculators with your desktop browser. The smartphone calculators have been optimized for the smartphone’s small and narrow screen and do not fit a wide screen.
Calculating your BMI is a popular and easy way to tell if your weight is putting your health at risk. Our example spreadsheet calculates your BMI after you’ve entered your weight and height.
The higher the BMI, the greater the risk of developing health problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) regard a BMI of less than 18.5 as underweight and a BMI of 25 or more as overweight.
Learn more about the BMI Body Mass Index calculator.
Test this calculator in other formats:
Had enough of hearing about diets and weight loss? Well, from a physical point of view, there’s really nothing new under the sun. Want to lose a few pounds? Eat less or move around more, that’s all there’s to it.
The difference between your intake of energy (e.g. measured in calories) and the energy you consume on various activities is the only thing that affects your weight.
Here’s a chance to match your calorie intake to your consumption of calories. First, describe how much you spend of a normal day on various levels of physical activity, then enter your approximate daily calorie intake. Depending on the balance between calorie intake and consumption, the spreadsheet calculates your weight change prognosis for the coming 52 weeks.
A nice thing with this example is that it lets us show you the beauty of live charts. Change the figures and the chart changes automatically.
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The calculations and data behind our Covid-19 risk assessment model are quite complex and without the Spreadsheet Converter we would have not been able to post the tool online in a reasonable time frame.
SpreadsheetConverter has allowed our business to give a real boost to our customers. Their tools are easy to use, work very well, and are very powerful.
Your conversion software not only has increased efficiency in my small company but may also be assisting me in another small startup.
You are so good man, thanks a lot and my confidance in your company has increased more.
This company is really a class act! We will definitely be using SpreadsheetConverter for future web apps.
Your amazing service and support prior to our purchasing the product makes a positive difference!
You really kept me going with my project. I am very grateful.
I recently purchased your software and would like to tell you that it is incredibly useful for me.
I am very impressed with not only the software so far, but the clarity of the User's Guide and all the follow-up up help, such as this email. Very refreshing to see a company make the buyer feel welcome!
I think you may not be charging enough for it (I can say that now since I already paid for it).
Thanks for developing such high-quality products and for selling them at a price that the small business community can afford.
I am so glad I found you guys and am also glad I bought your program. I will soon be upgrading the product to the next level.
SpreadsheetConverter solved my problem in a few easy steps.
When water freezes, Europeans say it’s around zero. Zero degrees Celsius, that is, or “centigrade”. But in the U.S., it’s more common to say 32 degrees Fahrenheit. On a hot day, the San Diego radio talks about it being “in the nineties”. Let’s all be grateful they’re not talking centigrade.
We created a spreadsheet that helps you convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit. We also added conversion between miles and kilometers, another required skill when you cross the Atlantic.
Finally, we help you calculate how far you get if you travel at a certain speed for a certain period.
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How much water goes in a bucket? How many decks of playing cards fit in a box? How much ice-cream goes in a cone? If you were to paint the Pyramid of Cheops, what is the total area you would have to cover with paint?
We created a spreadsheet for all kinds of area and volume calculations. It certainly helps when you have children around.
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So you just got your latest electricity bill, and you wonder what all that power was used for? Could it be the new 75″ TV? The old freezer?
We created a spreadsheet to help you calculate how much power an appliance or other electric device consumes when you use it for a given period. If you know how much your electricity costs, we can also tell you the cost of using the device.
And speaking of energy, much of that electricity actually turned into heat, one way or the other. Our calculator shows you how much.
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How far is from Mobile, Alabama from Newark, New Jersey? We built an example of a massive table lookup, with some complex calculations. The table contains the geographical coordinates of more than 700 US cities. The formulas use the table data to calculate the distance between two locations. The answer is 1,048 miles, but we’re sure that just makes you eager to know more.
Test this calculator in other formats:
The calculations and data behind our Covid-19 risk assessment model are quite complex and without the Spreadsheet Converter we would have not been able to post the tool online in a reasonable time frame.
We are thrilled to have found this solution and would highly recommend it to others considering upgrading their spreadsheets to online tools!
SpreadsheetConverter has allowed our business to give a real boost to our customers. Their tools are easy to use, work very well, and are very powerful.
I have found your product to be simply marvelous, and the support excellent. Many thanks.
Although we ran into some problems at first due to the complexity of the workbook, Mattias in customer support went above and beyond to help solve the problems.
I was able to release an android app on Google Play. Not bad for a guy who did not know what an app was 6 months ago.
We use SpreadsheetConverter to create design tools for our products. The Professional edition is able to handle a very large and complex Excel workbook, and saves our web programmer a significant amount of time.
I am an app developer. I found the spreadsheet converter software and it has made app development so much better and easier.
Absolutely great product that saved hundreds of hours of manual coding converting my excel calculators to web pages.
I remain impressed. You have a phenomenal product.
Please forward my congratulations to your development team, as they have done an outstanding job!
I just wanted to say this program is an awesome piece of work! I want to thank you for following your passions and sharing it with us, the world.
Thank you for creating this wonderful software. I love it!
The converter is amazing.
You really kept me going with my project. I am very grateful.
Your conversion software not only has increased efficiency in my small company but may also be assisting me in another small startup.
This company is really a class act! We will definitely be using SpreadsheetConverter for future web apps.
Your amazing service and support prior to our purchasing the product makes a positive difference!
Your add-on is fantastic. I'm fascinated by the ease and speed of how things work with your program! Congratulations!
I have been a long-time user of ExcelEverywhere and SpreadsheetConverter and have frequently had issues, made suggestions etc. All have been resolved satisfactorily. However, I have to say version 8 is absolutely brilliant and unlike in the past there is no "but ..."! With a bit of imagination there is virtually nothing that can't be delivered using it. Well done to all and thanks.
SSC7 is AWESOME! I am very happy about the show/hide rows or sheets - that's an incredible development for me.
Everything worked so well that we bought the software.
I used your software to create a complex earnings calculator for my website. My website management company was so impressed, they asked me to write an article about using your product for their subscriber newsletter.
Thanks a lot, it is a great application.
Your HTML product exceeded my expectations! With your permission, I'd like to list you on my site as a recommended link.
Thank you very much! Your product is the absolute best!
I thought you might like to see this - I am so happy to have been able to do this kind of thing. Thanks!
Thank you. Just to let you know that is a terrific product, I received some compliments from my graphics and website designers; we use the converter for a unique concept.
I was looking at your Flash converter. I am using line graphs, drop down boxes, and some formulas in Excel - that's pretty much it. Tried the demo, loved the product. For us, only the Professional edition works.
We have been using the software and it is an absolute pleasure to use. I have now subscribed to and paid for the Professional HTML version and it is working perfectly.
Thank you all so very much for your outstanding product and wonderful customer service. It is truly a pleasure working with you!!!
BTW, I love your program. I have found it to be easy to use and very intuitive.
"Bingo! That did the trick. I love this product and appreciate your help in resolving my problem. Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge. Satisfied customeer, will recommend it to friends.
I just thought you might like to see what I did with your converter. What a fantastic product! I have been able to add another dimension to my blog with this.
This program was a great find for us. Eliminated plenty of money developing custom website as I do this all myself. Plus it has such great features and flexibility, customers love the interface.
I just wanted to drop you a line and say that I am delighted with the way you respond so quickly to support questions!
What a great program! I am certainly not a web expert, but your software impressed my staff, and made me look like I know what I'm doing! I purchased the software and easily installed the form in my webpage in less than an hour. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am with the results!
I consider myself an Excel god, but not a programmer. This helps me out tremendously.
The installation took 5 minutes, and working out how to convert the sheet into a web page took another 5 minutes without reading any documentation.
This is a great product! Thank you for putting it together and continuing with updates.
This just completely rocks! Now, off to order it!
This spreadsheet converter has saved me a lot of headaches. I created an order form and put it on the web. Now my customers can order 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No more calls in the middle of the night. I love it!
Nice product. Took me 30 minutes to provide a calculator for sales people in the field using a web browser.
Thank you again for creating this wonderful program. I would recommend SpreadsheetConverter to anyone.
This is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure I'll be purchasing to create more web-based forms. Thanks again.
Your SSC is the best software ever developed. Your programming team is beyond brilliant.
I recently purchased the Flash version. FANTASTIC program! For my particular application, conditional formatting would really be a great feature to an excellent product. Thanks.
Your spreadsheet converter is a power tool for my web site! I researched long and hard to find a way to put the 15 second loan modification calculator that I developed, on my capture page. Now visitors to my site are not just looking, they are interacting with me from the start.
I created an order form and put it on the web. Now my customers can order 24 hours a day 7 days a week. No more calls in the middle of the night. I love it - and I didn't have to pay for a programmer to do the calculations for me.
Great product! Saves ton of time in what we are trying to accomplish. Keep up the good work.
Now visitors to my site are not just looking, they are interacting with me from the start. Only your spreadsheet converter was able to do it, AND protect my carefully developed spreadsheet calculator so it couldn't get lifted off the site.
Thank you very much...this will save a lot of headaches and make me look good.
The only problem I see is everyone inundating me with spreadsheets they'll want created for our site!
That is exactly what I was looking for, you and your program have saved me an amazing amount of time.
I've tried this product and it is amazing! It really helps a lot to control our presentations of Excel on the web, especially for customers and business associates.
What you guys have developed here is a goldmine.
I got lots of pre-sales help from Anna Winter, and the support I got made the purchasing decision dead easy - you are a great company to deal with. Many thanks again.
O my goodness this is awesome!!! Perfect that is exactly what I needed!! Thank you all so much for all of your help!!!!
Thank you for being so responsive. The speadsheet works great!
I just purchased the product. Thank you very much for the support. This product is going to be a life saver for me.
I really like SpreadsheetConverter and your VERY quick response so ordered full license today.
Your tech support has to be one of the top 3 in the world. Thank you again for creating this wonderful program and for the support and quick answers to my problems.
I am absolutely amazed at the speed of your response. Thank you very much. Your product is outstanding and your support is equal to the product.
The support your company provides is fantastic.
And did I mention your customer support? You have responded to my questions promptly.
You guys ROCK! I checked the formulas several time and didn't catch that! I'm very impressed with your talent and fast response and service. Thank you!
Thanks for all the great information; it is obvious you wish to assist others in having successful Web products, and your expertise is much appreciated.
WOW, You're good. Thanks for the quick reply.
I recently purchased your software and would like to tell you that it is incredibly useful for me.
I am very impressed with not only the software so far, but the clarity of the User's Guide and all the follow-up up help, such as this email. Very refreshing to see a company make the buyer feel welcome!
I think you may not be charging enough for it (I can say that now since I already paid for it).
Thanks for developing such high-quality products and for selling them at a price that the small business community can afford.
I am so glad I found you guys and am also glad I bought your program. I will soon be upgrading the product to the next level.
SpreadsheetConverter solved my problem in a few easy steps.
One of the many great features of SpreadsheetConverter is its automatic creation of web pages that are completely stand-alone, ready to use.
When you buy a product, some of the money usually goes to sales tax. We built this spreadsheet to let you enter the amount before tax, and the sales tax rate. The tax and total are calculated automatically.
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This is one of our favorite examples because it shows the advantage of live charts. Change any cell in the spreadsheet and the chart immediately reflects the new values.
In this example, you can also see a useful implementation of a slider. To change the years remaining on a loan, we could just have used a standard numeric field. Using a slider allows for much easier visualization of how the equity varies over the lifetime of the loan.
An Equal Monthly Installment is a fixed amount returned from the borrower to the lender each month. This means that both the amount returned from the principal loan and the interest is fixed so that over a specified time the whole loan is paid back in full.
We created an EMI spreadsheet that shows borrowers the monthly payment and the time period allowed paying off the loan, so they can take the right financial move by planning a proper budget. The spreadsheet also shows the total cost of the loan.
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A bond is a long-term promissory note issued by a business or a business firm. The value of the bond price is the sum of present value of annuities (or coupon) over the life of the bond and present value of the face value of the bond. The bond value or price of the bond is calculated on the basis of face value, coupon rate, market rate and maturity period of the bond.
As an example, a company issues seven-year bond with coupon rate of 14% payable semiannually. The face value of the bond is $1,000.00. The market rate of interest is 14%. To calculate the price of the bond, we created this spreadsheet.
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We created a spreadsheet that tries to find out the effect of leverage on the systematic risk of a company’s stock returns. It is trying to explore the effect of employing various levels of Debt in the Capital Structure of the firm, on the risk of the company’s returns.
Test this calculator in other formats:
The calculations and data behind our Covid-19 risk assessment model are quite complex and without the Spreadsheet Converter we would have not been able to post the tool online in a reasonable time frame.
We are thrilled to have found this solution and would highly recommend it to others considering upgrading their spreadsheets to online tools!
I have found your product to be simply marvelous, and the support excellent. Many thanks.
I was able to release an android app on Google Play. Not bad for a guy who did not know what an app was 6 months ago.
By the way---thanks again---this software is awesome!
Many many thanks!!! In case you need a reference, do not hesitate to let us know. We have a sheet which is integrated in WordPress.
Your app is great!
We use SpreadsheetConverter to create design tools for our products. The Professional edition is able to handle a very large and complex Excel workbook, and saves our web programmer a significant amount of time.
That's brilliant! I can do a lot with that. As always, awesome stuff!
I wish your company well. You have a great product for many purposes.
I am an app developer. I found the spreadsheet converter software and it has made app development so much better and easier.
Love your products. Just amazing! Can I switch to the mobile converter?
I started two months ago developing a reservation system for my wine tour business in Excel and converted it for the website with Spreadsheet Converter.
Absolutely great product that saved hundreds of hours of manual coding converting my excel calculators to web pages.
I remain impressed. You have a phenomenal product.
Please forward my congratulations to your development team, as they have done an outstanding job!
I just wanted to say this program is an awesome piece of work! I want to thank you for following your passions and sharing it with us, the world.
Thank you for creating this wonderful software. I love it!
YOU ROCK! Thanks for the latest upgrade. Keep up the good work!
Version 7 is brilliant, the way it shows and prints on a Mac, iPad and iPhone - WOW!
The converter is amazing.
I have been a long-time user of ExcelEverywhere and SpreadsheetConverter and have frequently had issues, made suggestions etc. All have been resolved satisfactorily. However, I have to say version 8 is absolutely brilliant and unlike in the past there is no "but ..."! With a bit of imagination there is virtually nothing that can't be delivered using it. Well done to all and thanks.
SSC7 is AWESOME! I am very happy about the show/hide rows or sheets - that's an incredible development for me.
This program was a great find for us. Eliminated plenty of money developing custom website as I do this all myself. Plus it has such great features and flexibility, customers love the interface.
I just thought you might like to see what I did with your converter. What a fantastic product! I have been able to add another dimension to my blog with this.
Bingo! That did the trick. I love this product and appreciate your help in resolving my problem. Sorry for my lack of computer knowledge. Satisfied customeer, will recommend it to friends.
"We have been using the software and it is an absolute pleasure to use. I have now subscribed to and paid for the Professional HTML version and it is working perfectly.
Thank you. Just to let you know that is a terrific product, I received some compliments from my graphics and website designers; we use the converter for a unique concept.
I thought you might like to see this - I am so happy to have been able to do this kind of thing. Thanks!
Thank you very much! Your product is the absolute best!
Your HTML product exceeded my expectations! With your permission, I'd like to list you on my site as a recommended link.
Thanks a lot, it is a great application.
I used your software to create a complex earnings calculator for my website. My website management company was so impressed, they asked me to write an article about using your product for their subscriber newsletter.
Everything worked so well that we bought the software.
What a great program! I am certainly not a web expert, but your software impressed my staff, and made me look like I know what I'm doing! I purchased the software and easily installed the form in my webpage in less than an hour. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am with the results!
Thank you very much...this will save a lot of headaches and make me look good.
The only problem I see is everyone inundating me with spreadsheets they'll want created for our site!
That is exactly what I was looking for, you and your program have saved me an amazing amount of time.
I've tried this product and it is amazing! It really helps a lot to control our presentations of Excel on the web, especially for customers and business associates.
What you guys have developed here is a goldmine.
Excel is such a versatile tool! Here we used it to create a survey for visitors to a fictitious website called “BuyStuff.com”. With the help of SpreadsheetConverter, the survey can be converted for many common web formats.
When each survey response is submitted, it ends up in your e-mail Inbox. This service is included with your license. If you expect lots of survey responses, you can sign up for the fee-based Advanced Submit Server and store survey responses in a database until you download them all in one go.
Test this survey in other formats:
This started as a plain contact form for a website, and turned into a nice little “contact information wizard”. Instead of showing a very complex form with lots of empty fields, we split the form into two separate steps. After the first page, the visitor presses Next to advance to the next step in the wizard.
Splitting the contact form into steps makes it easier to request different information for different types of visitors or inquiries. It also makes the form less complex, while still allowing the visitor to return to an earlier step and modify previous input.
Test this web form in other formats:
This one started as a spreadsheet we created to calculate catering costs. After a while, we found that people were using old versions with old prices. With SpreadsheetConverter, we could convert our spreadsheet to a web page calculator that people could use directly on our internal web.
When prices change, all we have to do is update and convert the spreadsheet, upload it on the web, and the new prices are immediately there for everybody.
Before we started using SpreadsheetConverter, we were always chasing people, asking them to provide additional information that we just must have to process a catering order, e.g. their cost center numbers. Then we found out how to add a Send button to our little calculator. Now, after people have specified their requirements and checked the prices, they can send us their order directly from our web page with just a click of a button.
SpreadsheetConverter allows us to make certain fields in the catering order form mandatory. So now, no-one can send us a catering order without specifying their cost center. You bet it saves us time!
Test this web form in other formats:
A standard die has six sides with the values one to six. For a single roll of a fair die, the probability of rolling each value is exactly 1/6. A die doesn’t have a memory, so even if you haven’t rolled a six in hundreds of attempts, it still has the same probability as any other value.
Visualizing probability on the web is easy using SpreadsheetConverter and it’s powerful support for live charts. In this example we use a bar chart to visualize the outcome of a single die being rolled twenty times.
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When you roll two dice simultaneously, the total of both rolls is not evenly distributed. The likelyhood of getting a sum of 7 is 1/6, more than any other value. The likelyhood of getting a sum of 2 or 12 is only 1/36.
To test if this could qualify as one of our profitable bar tricks, we created a two dice simulator, that lets you roll two dice twenty times and study the outcome in a column chart.
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Click on Download to install and test this Excel add-in for Windows.
Click on Upload to let us convert a spreadsheet for you for free.